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A React Example in Sitecore

That's true, Sitecore components are useful and provide lots of facilities. They allow to build fully flexible website. And there is not much problem using post-backs to display your contents. However, if your website has user interactions, then it could be a headache. Too many post-backs would occur a poor user experience.

That's why client-side technologies are really powerful and popular for a long time. There are plenty of javascript libraries and frameworks which all try to provide better user experience in different ways.

It is not a topic of this article why I chose React. There are some good articles about it (e.g. Jonne Kats' great article). However, one of the reasons is React only focus on view part. It is not a fully framework like Angular, it is rich featured library instead. And that's what I was looking for! The idea was to benefit Sitecore server-side and React client-side power. It seems they are very good match!

Let's dive into code...

I've implemented a simple product list page with React. It's simple but after understanding the implementation logic, then, it can easily be extended. The idea was adding a Sitecore component as usual but giving all responsibility to React components inside Sitecore component. I will show implementation details later in this article.

But before going implementation details, I want to show final result here.

Let's add necessary libraries first.

I've used ReactJS.Net packages, I recommend to have a look at documentation first. It's clear and easy to use. I don't give details how to configure things, they are already explained well in documentation.

Once you finish reading, you can install React.Web.Mvc4 and System.Web.Optimization.React packages via nuget:

Adding Sitecore Component

I've added a page item to list products and added a controller rendering as usual.

Nothing special with adding controller and view. I've created Product controller and ProductList partial view. They looks like this:

   public class ProductController : BaseController
        private readonly IProductRetrieveService _productRetrieveService;

        public ProductController(IProductRetrieveService productRetrieveService)
            _productRetrieveService = productRetrieveService;

        public PartialViewResult ProductList()
            var model = _productRetrieveService.GetProducts((base.DataSourceItem?.ID?.Guid).Value);

            return PartialView(model);

Working with React Components

Special part is in ProductList component. Here, we give all responsibility to React. We only need to do is providing initial data to React component.

@model Training3.Data.ViewModels.Web.Product.ProductListViewModel 

@Html.React("ProductListWrapper", new
    initialData = Model

Four React components were added:

ProductListWrapper includes other components. I've set state while initializing ProductListWrapper class. Then, necessary data were passed to sub components as seen image below: 

ProductList is straight forward and only responsible to display products. There is no user interaction on it.

class ProductList extends React.Component {
    render() {

        const products = => (
            <div className="col-md-4" key={product.Id}>
                <img src={product.Image.Src} width="200" height="250" />

        return (
            <div className="row">
                <div className="col-md-12">
                    <h5>Product List <span className="pull-right">{this.props.pageInfo.TotalRecordCount} products found</span></h5> 

ProductCategoryList has checkbox selection events and they are handled as below. The important thing here is after each selection, we pass selected categories with a function to parent component which is ProductListWrapper. See the line marked as red below.

class ProductCategoryList extends React.Component {

    componentWillMount() {
        this.selectedCheckboxes = new Set();

    toggleCheckboxChange = (catId) => {
        console.log("Cat Id: " + catId);

        if (this.selectedCheckboxes.has(catId)) {
        } else {


    render() {
        const categories = => (
            <li className="list-group-item" key={cat.Id}><input type="checkbox" onChange={() => this.toggleCheckboxChange(cat.Id)} /> {cat.Name}</li>

        return (
                <h5>Product Category List</h5>
                <ul className="list-group">

When new category selection array pass to "onCategoryChanged" function, it is handled in ProductListWrapper like this:

Same logic is used for pagination. Selected categories are already stored in state and we just need new page index when click the page buttons:

handlePageChange(pageIndex) {

   this.loadProducts(this.state.selectedCategories, pageIndex);
That's it! It is flexible and you can configure components and actions how you want. 
I haven't worked with React before, this example was the first time for me. I can say that I really liked React and also impressed the power to combine it with Sitecore.


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