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Sitecore Commerce – XC9 Tips – Configuring Postman

In this post, I am going to show how to setup postman and run the scripts.

When you download Sitecore Commerce, it includes ready to use postman sample requests (inside Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.SDK.x.x.x folder).

You need to import that postman folder to postman app. The steps are written in official documentation, just click import and choose postman folder.

You will see some parameters in sample requests such as {{SitecoreIdServerHost}}, {{OpsApiHost}}, {{OpsApi}}

Those are environment based variables that you can change according to your environment details.

When you click "setting" icon, you will see predefined environments: AdventureWorks and Habitat.

For example, click "Habitat Environment" to edit its variables.

You see that AuthoingHost is using port 5000, it is the default port if the that port is available. You can check which port is using your Authoring role from IIS.

If your Authoring port is different than 5000, you need to update your postman environment variables.

An important request is Bootstrap. It provides to move configurations from files to database.

To run it, first you need to get authentication token. Run {{SitecoreIdServerHost}}/connect/token request under Authentication > Sitecore > GetToken path.

If it doesn't work, check SitecoreIdServerHost parameter. It must match with your Id Server (see IIS).

After you get token, run Bootstrap request:

Again you can check OpsApiHost and OpsApi variables from environment configuration window, in case you get an error.

Hope, it helps!


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